Cookbook Club: Cookie Swap

Thursday, December 17All DayCommunity Room Sherborn Library at the Sherborn Community Center3 Sanger St. , Sherborn , MA, 01770

It's time for the annual cookie swap!  Here's how to participate:

1. Register here online by December 3.

2. Liz will let the group know how many people are participating in the swap.

3. Make a batch of cookies, so that each person gets at least one. 

4. Use ziploc bags, saran wrap, etc. to portion off cookies for each person and drop off at the Library anytime December 14-16

5. Pick up your tin of cookies on December 17 and enjoy eating way too many cookies!

6. We'll be meeting on Zoom on Thursday, December 17 at 7 PM to talk about our cookies and also plan to make a recipe that's a family/heritage favorite. 

Registration for this event has now closed.